Friday, September 3, 2010

T4 separated

gonna separate thx to UTAR STUPID IDEA...
you guys think lah....
my class BF T4 already been together since year 1 trimester 1
until year 3 trimester 1...
and now we still left 2 more trimester...
and this USELESS AND MONEY MINDED AND...... UTAR (too many bad thing about UTAR until cant finish if i list it out)
suddenly call me (cos i am the class rep) saying that our fixed structure gonna change to flexi
just left 2 more trimester and yet BLOODY UTAR wanna separate us...
really annoying and stupid action.....
and UTAR server also not so good...
and have around 10K ++++ UTAR student...
and yet they want to change all the fixed to flexi..
damn GONG lah UTAR!!!!
use your PHD BRAIN LAH!!!!!
now T4 already separated...
i am so sad and emo...
very sad....
i wanna to stay with T4 until i finish my study
so that have a wonderful and memorable memory with them....
T4 friend are so so so good and it is hard to find others like them...
they concern you,help you and even advice you...
where can you get such friends???
UTAR is the reason we separate...
i hope UTAR will go BANKRUPT soon!!!!
lastly, i wanna say to T4..
hope you all forgive me on the things that i have done wrong
love you guys...
friend FOREVER


Ms Blur said...

This entry make me a bit emo also..... really BRILLIANT UTAR..... >___<

©ΉΛRЧEИE said...

me too. T.T

last time i always tell others im glad to be fixed student.

but now. ediot utar gonna separate US. wat a waste.